Distances Between Subspaces

This question came up when trying to compare kernels as well as how low dimensional projections change over time. Intuitively it isn’t clear how to create a distance metric between subspaces. For example, lets say we are in R3\mathbb{R}^3, and we have to subspaces A,BR2A,B \in \mathbb{R}^2. To this end, I will try to explain the Grassman distance.

Principle Angles

Then the idea of principle angles is to iteratively find vectors in A,BA, B that have the closest angle. More formally, at iteration 00, we have the following optimization problem:

argmaxa0A,b0Ba0Tb0s.t.a=b=1\arg \max_{a_0 \in A, b_0 \in B} a_0^Tb_0 \\ s.t. \,\,||a|| = ||b|| =1

We keep repeating this procedure for following iterations with the additional constraint that if we are iteration ii, then aiTaj=0a_i^Ta_j = 0 and biTbj=0,j<ib_i^Tb_j = 0, \forall j<i. Therefore, we are trying to progressively find the most similar orthonormal vectors in AA and BB.

Let QA,QBQ_A, Q_B be orthonormal basis for A,BA,B respectively. Then from our previous iterative algorithm, let a0=QAx0,b0=QBy0a_0 = Q_Ax_0, b_0 = Q_By_0, so we want to maximize (QAx0)T(QBy0)=x0TQATQBy0(Q_Ax_0)^T(Q_By_0) = x_0^TQ_A^TQ_By_0. Let’s compute the SVD of QATQB=UΣVTQ_A^TQ_B = U\Sigma V^T. Substituting yields, x0TUΣVTy0x_0^TU\Sigma V^Ty_0. Therefore, if we align x0x_0 with the top singular vector in UU and y0y_0 with the top singular vector in VV, then the resulting value will be the largest singular value σ\sigma. In fact the singular values are the ordered solutions to the aforementioned iterative optimization procedure (think about why that is the case). The Grassman metric is now defined as:

G(A,B)=([cos1(σi)]2)12G(A,B) = (\sum [\cos^{-1}(\sigma_i)]^2)^{\frac{1}{2}}

I am not going to prove why the triangle inequality holds for this to be a metric, but you can look at some of the resources I linked below. I might revisit it and add it to the blog later.


import torch
import math

def grassman(A, B):
		# get orthogonal basis
    Q_A, R = torch.linalg.qr(A)
    Q_B, R = torch.linalg.qr(B)

		# get singular values
    _, S, _  = torch.svd(Q_A.T @ Q_B)
    # cosine inverse
    thetas = torch.arccos(S)
    # return norm
    return torch.norm(thetas, p=2)
A = torch.tensor([
    [1, 0],
    [0, 1],
    [0, 0]
B = torch.tensor([
    [math.sqrt(0.5), 0],
    [0, 1],
    [math.sqrt(0.5), 0]
C = torch.tensor([
    [0, 0],
    [1, 0],
    [0, 1]
>>> grassman(A,B)
>>> grassman(A,C)
>>> grassman(C,B)




