Thompson’s Sampling

Imagine you are designing a website that displays news content for a specific user. Specially, on the home page you have 3 options: fill the entire page with science, sports, or political articles. Your objective is to maximize user interaction. Assuming each time a user x interacts with the website is independent of prior interactions, we can model whether the user clicks on one of the presented articles as a Bernoulli random variable.

A Bernoulli random variable (RV) XX results in a success with probability θ\theta and failure with probability 1θ1-\theta. ie P(X=1)=θP(X=1) = \theta, P(X=0)=1θP(X=0)=1-\theta

Over time we want to learn about the user’s interests, and what genre do they like the most so that we can maximize their interaction by presenting news content from that genre. Therefore, we have 3 different Bernoulli random variables at play X1,X2,X3X_1, X_2, X_3: the science RV, sports RV, and Politics RV respectively. Each one is modeled by a parameter θi\theta_{i}, where ii is 1,2,31,2,3. Our objective is to design an algorithm that can efficiently learn these parameters (θi)(\theta_{i}) to determine what is the favorite genre of the user. One classic way is Thompson’s Sampling, and it is heavily based off of some core probability principles which I will go over.

We want to find the expected value of whether the user interacts with a presented genre: to find the ideal one, however E[Xi]=θiE[X_i] = \theta_i and we do not know θi\theta_i. Consequently, we make a random guess about it. Specifically, we establish a prior distribution P(θi)P(\theta_i). This prior is modeled by the Beta distribution.

Why use a Beta? Well, we need the posterior distribution to update our model of θi\theta_i, and the posterior =P(θix)=P(xθi)P(θ)P(x)= P(\theta_i | x) = \frac{P(x|\theta_i)P(\theta)}{P(x)}, and when you set the prior P(θi)P(\theta_i) to the Beta distribution beta(α,β)beta(\alpha, \beta), it luckily turns out that P(θix)=beta(α+x,β+1x)P(\theta_i|x) = beta(\alpha+x, \beta+1-x). This is why the Beta distribution is called the conjugate prior for the Bernoulli distribution.

With this knowledge it is straight forward to understand Thompson’s Sampling. It first randomly initializes αi,βi\alpha_i, \beta_i for the priors. Then for each iteration, we sample θibeta(αi,βi)\theta_i \sim beta(\alpha_i, \beta_i) for i1,2,3i \in {1,2,3}. Then based on which θ\theta is the largest (since E[Xi]=θiE[X_i] = \theta_i, we present that genre to the user and set xx to be their response (x = 1 if they clicked on one of their articles, and 0 if not). We calculate the posterior P(θix)P(\theta_i|x) which is just the beta distribution with updated parameters: beta(α+x,β+1x)beta(\alpha+x, \beta+1-x), and we set that distribution as the new prior distribution so now

P(θi)=beta(α+x,β+1x)P(\theta_i) = beta(\alpha+x, \beta+1-x).

Let’s iterate through some scenarios to better understand this algorithm and why its more efficient than a random or greedy search.

Imagine we are on the jthj^{th} round, and our priors look like the image above. So if you wanted to have a decent result with high confidence you would pick the green distribution, but we also need to explore because it could be the case the true θ3\theta_3 is higher than the true θ2\theta_2. We are pretty confident that spending resources to explore θ2\theta_2 is not worth it. So how does Thompson’s sampling address these things. First, when we sample an θi\theta_i from each of the 3 distributions, it is likely that the sampled θ2\theta_2 will be lower than θ1\theta_1, and thus it will be rarely chosen. However, there is a decent chance that the sampled θ3\theta_3 will be larger than the sampled θ1\theta_1 and consequently we will spend more time exploring the genre corresponding to the red distribution than the purple one. As we do that we will update our α,β\alpha, \beta parameters and have a better understanding of its distribution.

Eventually if you run Thompson’s sampling enough the distributions should converge to the true distribution of the user’s preferences, especially the best ones. Once we are at this stage, the algorithm naturally will explore less because most of the time the sampled θi\theta_i from the best genre prior will be the largest.

Here is an implementation of Thompson’s Sampling. In this example we set the user’s preferences to click on science articles .7 of the time, sports .5 of the time, and politics, .1 of the time.

import numpy as np

User preferences 
Science: 0.7
Sports: 0.5
Politics: 0.1

#Init values for alphas, and betas
science_alpha = 1
science_beta = 1
sports_alpha = 1
sports_beta = 1
politics_alpha = 1
politics_beta = 1

def sample_user(genre):
    if genre == 'Science':
				return np.random.uniform(0,1) <= 0.7
    elif genre == 'Sports':
        return np.random.uniform(0,1) <= 0.5
        return np.random.uniform(0,1) <= 0.1

def update_params(alpha, beta, reward):
    return alpha + reward, beta + 1 - reward

for itter in range(100):
    science_theta = np.random.beta(science_alpha, science_beta)
    sports_theta = np.random.beta(sports_alpha, sports_beta)
    politics_theta = np.random.beta(politics_alpha, politics_beta)
    if science_theta > max(sports_theta, politics_theta):
        result = sample_user('Science')
        science_alpha, science_beta = update_params(science_alpha, science_beta, result)

    if sports_theta > max(science_theta, politics_theta):
        result = sample_user('Sports')
        sports_alpha, sports_beta = update_params(sports_alpha, sports_beta, result)

    if politics_theta > max(science_theta, sports_theta):
        result = sample_user('Politics')
        politics_alpha, politics_beta = update_params(politics_alpha, politics_beta, result)

jyopari@mac:~/Documents$ python3 
60 27 5 8 1 5

Green = science, Orange = sports, Purple = politics. We can see that Thompson’s sampling spent the most time exploiting the science genre but still explored sports and politics enough to gauge their distributions.
