Hello, I’m Jyo!
Explaining Interesting Ideas
about me
(Left) A photograph I took of a motionless jumping spider, they are very intelligent creatures. (Right) My two parakeets.
Paper TLDRs
- Discovering faster matrix multiplication algorithms with reinforcement learning
- Fractal Patterns May Unravel the Intelligence in Next-Token Prediction
Machine Learning
- Symmetries in Neural Networks
- Model Merging
- Sequence Modeling / Memory
- Gumbel Softmax
- Diffusion
- Transformer
- Variational Autoencoders w Implementation
- UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction
- Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
- Gaussian Process w Implementation
- KL Divergence
- D Seperation In A Bayesian Network
- Generate Uniform Points In A Circle
- Exponential distribution
- Gamma distribution
- Reservoir Sampling
- Discrete Optimal Transport
- Wasserstein Distances
- Langevin Sampling
- Thompson’s Sampling
- Importance Sampling
Reinforcement Learning
- Johnson–Lindenstrauss lemma TODO
- Grassman Metric
- Lagrange Multiplier
- Lagrange Multiplier with Mutilple Constraints
- Why Is The Gradient The Steepest Direction? (using Lagrange Multiplier)
- Napoleon’s Theorem
- Euler Lagrange Equation